Estate Maintenance & Cleaning Services for the London & Essex areas.

SafeContractor Approved

We often mention in our blog articles that Introcross is SafeContractor approved, but what does that actually mean to you, our customers?

SafeContractor is a Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSIP) accreditation issued by Alcumus to companies that choose to go through the accreditation and subsequent annual audit process.

SafeContractor provides our customers with reassurance that they’re working with a reliable, professional and conscientious supplier.

The accreditation covers equality, right to work, financial stability, quality management, anti-bribery, modern slavery, risk assessments and method statements, building information management, insurance policies and more. It ensures that any business in possession of its accreditation has been thoroughly checked and are operating safely and ethically.

For Introcross it ensures we remain up to date with legislation and have an annual check of our processes and procedures, meaning we’re always operating in the best possible way.

In addition to our SafeContractor accreditation we’re also fully insured and have been in business for over 35 years, giving our customers peace of mind that we’re a trustworthy company to work with.

We’re proud of the reputation we have built since our launch in 1986 and continue to work hard to deliver a quality service to our domestic and commercial customers across Essex and London. Whether a customer uses our services once, or works with us for years, we want them to feel valued and important.

If you’d like to work with Introcross or find out more about our cleaning and maintenance services, then please get in touch today.


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